No more roller coasters...

So, I went to the doctor today because  a friend of mine told me that she has been on Adipex and she lost 60 pounds while on it.  Well, the first call I made was to my doctor to see if there was a chance that I could try that.  That brings me to my appointment today.  In parenthesis I will tell you what my inner monologue sounded like...The first thing she tells me is that she wants me to have a few tests first (so much for fitting into those jeans by my birthday).  We proceeded to talk about dietitians and nutrition and all that good stuff.  Well, here's the problem, and this is what I expressed to her...I know what I should and should not be eating.  I know about exercising and I know that it is not just a numbers game.  It is a chemical game also and I know what my body responds to.  My problem is that I don't listen to my body because my brain, my dear, sweet, sugar loving brain screams for it!  It's almost as if I can't silence the voice if I don't feed it. So, I feed it!  I do well, for a while, and then I fall.  So, she says that while Adipex is a perfectly good solution, it is not necessarily the solution for me.  An appetite suppressant, once it wears off for the day, will not keep the sugar cravings away.  That is ALL ME, my friend.  Well, here's the thing, I want to try the Adipex anyway because I want the push that it will give me.  I want that extra edge that it will provide.  She says ok, but before I do all that, I want to see tests and I want to see food and exercise journals (no problem) and I want to see the accountability factor (huh?).  I want to see how you are holding yourself accountable and how you are going to ensure that this is not a quick fix.  Well, it is a good thing that you bring that up, Dr. A, because I have been thinking of starting a weight loss blog.  Whoa!  She said my generation is into that stuff, that web stuff - not in those words but that's what she meant.  So, here I am...I already had a blog and I haven't used it in about 2 years and I think this is a nice way to bring it out of retirement.  So, do you need inspiration? Here it is...I need to inspire to be inspired and I need YOU to hold me accountable...I will tell you when I fall and I will tell you when I have succeeded.  I am on the road the health and happiness.  I have to do it for myself and the children that I will HOPEFULLY have in the very near future, because I think my time is running out!  This is a life long journey that I am embarking on and I plan to enjoy the ride...hop on!

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